Acute obstructive kidney injury in the Intensive Care Unit of the Nephrology Institute.



Acute kidney injury, lithiasis, gynecological tumors


Introduction: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a clinical-humoral syndrome, secondary to multiple etiologies, which is characterized by the sudden deterioration of kidney function and which is potentially reversible.

Objective: To characterize obstructive AKI in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in the period from January 2017 to December 2021.

Material and methods: An observational, descriptive retrospective cohort study was carried out, obtaining information from the medical records of patients with a diagnosis of obstructive AKI, which was processed automatically. The universe was made up of 35 patients with a diagnosis of obstructive AKI.

Results: The highest frequency of presentation was in 2017; 7.1 patients with AKI per 100 admissions. The largest number of patients was in the 50-69 year old group (57.1%). In relation to sex, the frequency of male patients was higher (57.1%). The main cause of obstructive AKI is kidney stones (40%); Gynecological tumors followed in order of frequency (28.6%).

Conclusions: The frequency of obstructive AKI in the ICU of the Nephrology Institute in the period is not as high as it appears in international reports. The admitted patients are characterized by being 50-69 years old, male and having white skin. The most common causes of obstructive AKI are kidney stones and malignant gynecological tumors. COVID-19 infection, cardiac arrhythmia and pyelonephritis are the main complications that affect patients admitted during the period.


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How to Cite

Hernández León A, García Villar Y, Gutiérrez García F, Rodríguez Leal I, Rodríguez Lemus Y. Acute obstructive kidney injury in the Intensive Care Unit of the Nephrology Institute. Rev. nefrol. cuban. [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 4 [cited 2024 Oct. 6];2. Available from:



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