Influence of the professional competence of nurses on the transmission of hepatitis C in hemodialysis
Viral hepatitis C, HVC, hemodialysis, professional competenceAbstract
Introduction: The combination of surface contamination with a failure to comply with universal measures means that the personnel who directly care for the patient in the hemodialysis process have a great responsibility in the nosocomial transmission of hepatitis C.
Objective: Determine the influence of professional competence on the epidemiological indicators of hepatitis C.
Methods: An evaluation and application research was carried out in a cohort study design in the hemodialysis service of the Central Military Hospital ″Dr. Luis Díaz Soto″. The study period was divided, based on the criterion of exposure or isolation, into Period I or exposure and Period II or non-exposure. The level of professional competence (knowledge and compliance with the observation guide) of 16 nurses (six in Period I and 10 in Period II) was determined; for this, an instrument developed and validated for this purpose was applied. Epidemiological indicators related to viral hepatitis C were determined in both periods (Mortality, lethality, incidence and prevalence).
Results: Incidence, prevalence, mortality and fatality were higher in Period I (15%, 46%, 21.7% and 35.1% respectively) than in Period II (7%, 33.3%). 8.8% and 21.7% respectively). In Period I, 66% of those evaluated had scores of less than 80 points when evaluating knowledge, while in Period II, 60% had scores greater than 80 points when evaluating this aspect. Compliance with the observation guideline was 67.6% in Period I and 77.8% in Period II.
Conclusions: Increasing the professional competence of nursing staff decreases the transmission indicators of viral hepatitis C in hemodialysis patients.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Lázaro Capote, Juan Benigno Castañer Moreno, Jorge Fuente Abreu, René Rodríguez Batista, Jorge Barroso Cruz, Jarasca Fraga Guerra

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